1. This article is all the confirmation I need to keep eating locally. I can visit the farm where most of my food is grown; nobody is enslaved there.
2. I drink a staggering amount of tea. I have a whole shelf in my cupboard that is full of tea, and desperately needs organizing. About half the time I open the cupboard, tea falls on my head.
3. I have a mad crush on Taylor, the proprietor of The Fatted Calf. Good looking guy, covered in tattoos, and his products are totally to die for. Yum.
4. I grow my own sprouts but I always forget to eat them.
5. I keep getting turnips in my CSA box and I'm not really sure what to do with them. They're hanging out in a bag in the bottom of my crisper, and I think they might be reproducing. Turnip recipes welcome!

6. I don't usually like soups. There are exceptions to this, and I really like making soup, but I never manage to eat the leftovers.
7. While I do like chocolate, I'll chose a fruit dessert over a chocolate one nearly every time.
8. I don't eat a lot of rice or potatoes. They bore me. I need to change that.
9. I love fiddley or fussy preparations or those involving repetitive tasks. It's like a meditation on what I'm cooking.
10. I absolutely adore baking sweets. Living alone, this means I give away lots of baked goods.

11. I derive an incredible amount of comfort from the contents of my cupboards and freezer. Just knowing what's there, and that I can throw together a great meal at any time is really reassuring.
12. I almost never eat breakfast. I love most breakfast foods, but I'm so bad at getting up in the mornings that it's all I can do to throw on some clothes and grab a cup of coffee on the way to work.
13. When things get really busy and stressful at work, I'll often spend my days off entirely in my kitchen. Cooking de-stresses me.
14. I hate zucchini with a passion. I will make it into quick-bread, but that's about it.
15. I love ratatouille. Tomatoes make the awfulness that is zucchini and eggplant completely delicious.

16. Getting a CSA box was the single best thing I've ever done to improve the quality and variety of my meals.
17. I am very tempted to cook my way all the way through Michael Roux's Eggs a la French Laundry at Home.
18. If I ever considered moving out of California, I'd have to seriously consider the availability of avocados at the destination. I eat them constantly.
19. My stepfather has always been an adventurous cook and eater. He's almost entirely responsible for my interest in food and cooking. I still call him for recipes and advice and to chat food all the time.
20. I'm somewhat apprehensive about cooking meat. I plan to try and work through that in 2009. I think The River Cottage Meat Book will help.

21. I tend to obsess about some fruit or vegetable that's in season, to the point of eating it every day for weeks. Currently, my obsession is lemons.
22. I canned for the first time last summer. Having lovely tomatoes all winter almost makes my for burning my nipple leaning over the canning pot to adjust the heat.
23. I don't actually like ice cream. It's probably related to being lactose sensitive. Ice cream and milk both upset my stomach something fierce. Cheese and yogurt are just fine, though.
24. I am a firm believer that nearly any meal is better outdoors. Sometimes I take my dinner out onto my front stairs. My neighbors look at me funny when I do that.
25. The worst part about living in an apartment is that I have nowhere to put a grill. I might have to get a hibachi and have little sidewalk barbecues. The neighbors thing I'm weird now...

1 comment:
combine #5 and #8 into a single recipe called tatties and neeps (scottish for potatoes and turnips):
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