So here's today's breakfast. Eaten, as I frequently do, on the front porch. I live in an apartment with no deck or yard, so the only outside space that's mine is the front porch. It's nice to watch the neighbors walk by, and read a book in the fresh air. Today, I watched the rain.

Slices of Acme sour batard, topped with lemon quark and sliced strawberries. A cup of tea hibiscus and peppermint tea. An interesting combination, but probably not one I'll be repeating hot. It'd make a great iced tea for hotter places, though.
Also, I seem to have lost my camera somewhere in my house (odd, since I live in a tiny studio, but less odd given the state of my housekeeping) so iPhone photos will be the rule of the day for awhile. I've actually avoided posting for a few weeks, because I couldn't find my camera, but after some prodding to update, I've decided not to care.